Monday, July 6, 2009

The Agitated Mind.. Our Bane

Too often we got annoyed, frustrated, mad, angry or a mixture of these unwholesome feelings that we are rarely at peace with our self. At times, our mind is just so easily provoked that a tiny incidence will trigger an avalanche of emotion in us. Whether we bottled up those emotions or we vent our feelings out, the fact is we have suffered in our mind.

If we would just stop and examine why we react in such a way, we would often find that the big ego of ME or I is always behind it. As we grow up, unknowingly we become the Perfect One, One blameless from any faults. One who believe that what we do or say is supposed to be the truth. This 'ME' or 'I' is fast to react to criticism, to losses, to things which does not goes our way with often anger, revenge or other unwholesome feelings.

When we are able to sometimes let our rational mind do the thinking instead of passing it directly to our ego, then our mental torture will be reduced. For if there is no 'I', then 'I' suffer no criticism and thus 'I' will not get angry.

This 'I' and 'ME' ego, as it increase in size, not only makes our life suffer but it also serves as a tool for others to manipulate us. The bigger ego we have, the easier it is for us to be manipulated. The tighter we hold on to the "I" the easier we can be defeated.

To totally annihilate the our ego self, is near impossible if it's not. To reduce it is a realistic possibility.