Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother in nature

The very first day I saw you,
Your haughty look imprinted itself in my mind,
Though you never smile,
and scratched the hand who fed you,

I chose not to blame you.
Perhaps you have lost your trust in us,
Perhaps you have suffered in some of our hands,
I reasoned, thus you decided to shut off yourself,

Still it is enough for us that you chose to shelter with us,
As it symbolised an amount of trust.
But as time flows on,
Your offsprings arrived,
I felt your heart open,
The way you nurture them,
The way you sacrifice for them,
I feel that you put them above all else,

As generation after generations of your offspring came,
I can feel that you are getting old,
I felt sorry that you confused yourself with them,
The elder and the younger,
The firstborn and the just born,
You cannot differentiate.
It saddened me to see you degenerate,
Each time I saw you, you are getting older, thinner.

Now you are lost,
We have no clue where you are.
You may have passed on,
Leaving behind some of your younger generations.
I bid you farewell.
May you have a better reborn in your next life.
You may not be the best cat I known.
But you are the best mother cat your kittens ever knew.

(Dedication to my Mom the Greatest,and generally to all Mothers in conjunction with Mothers Day)